Chennai Floods: Rains may have won the battle, but Humanity wins the War!

Chennai Floods

Nature’s fury, despondency, helplessness, gloom, destruction … if these were the words the #ChennaiFloods started with, nearly a week later after the biggest rainfall in nearly 100 years which crippled and brought life to a complete standstill, every Chennaite would today proudly say that, more than the destruction they wrought, these floods shall always be remembered as the triumph of the indomitable spirit of humanity in face of the most severe adversity.

Be it risking one’s own life to save many more, sharing our own homes with the homeless or distributing food and essentials in waist-deep water, be it connecting relatives with their missing ones or donating with our hearts wide open, going sleepless for days together so that every single soul out there could be saved, the tales of extraordinary human spirit are endless. While tragedy struck, it brought with it together a response of brotherhood, compassion and love unparalleled in recent memory to any of the younger generation. The city saw in its people in its adversity the biggest example of unity in diversity where the only religion was humanity.

From all of us at BOT, this is just to say we salute the Spirit of this Amazing City and we would sure soon be Alive and Kicking in doing what we do best – creating magic of the highest quality and continuing to make our city and country proud, because the efforts of several unsung heroes of the past few days deserves this and more, truly rains have won the battle but Humanity has won the war!

To all the BOTs: Thank you for showing exceptional courage and resilience in helping out each other. Each one of your accounts shall be credited with an additional amount of ₹ 10,000/- to support your needs in helping recover from the floods. For those who have been unaffected, kindly use this additional amount to help the others or contribute to the BOT Relief Fund. Let us all BOTs be the Champions in doing our bit in bringing a smile back to every Chennaite’s face.

To the World – Vanakkam (Hello in Tamil) – Chennai & The BOTs are Back to Work!

We have set up a Base Camp to support the relief measures and medical camps from our Guindy Office. You can get in touch with our BOT Projects Team by calling on the numbers listed below or by  filling the form below if you are in need of help, or are ready to offer help.
